The different Human Eras

Since human race was evolved, man has lived thru 4 different Ages (Eras). They are namely the Hunter-Gatherer Age, Agrarian Age, Industrial Age & the Information Age. The Age that we presently lived in is known as the Information Age. Let us look into each and every individual Ages, to gain an understanding of the Era & the happenings:-

1) Hunter-Gatherer Age — In the beginning, man begins as hunter. Nature is wealth. As long as man master the skill of hunting, he is wealthy. He hunts animals for survival, trading them with another person (at times). Population of human isn’t much then and land is plentiful. He build his home with whatever he could find and wander to various places for shelter and accommodation.  There are no worries, as life then is very simple and carefree.

2) Agrarian Age — This is the agriculture age. Humans have learn how to grow crops, rear farms for survival. Life then is very rural, and hard work is required by man to earn a living.  There are less or no modern facilities and most of the time, one has to travel by foot to several kilometers to get his things done. Save for the future is very important in this era, as money is regarded as very valuable in this era. Education is limited, as there are not many chances for schooling.

3) Industrial Age — The industrial age begins with the evolved of industry. Urbanization takes place, rural life is much reduced. Money is being used for transaction throughout this era. Land become valuable for doing businesses and investing. Entrepreneurs wishing to do business would rent a space for a rental fee. The idea of save money for the future still holds true, but invest to ‘grow your money’ becomes an additional ‘tool’, as money (otherwise known as ‘currency’) will tends to appreciate or depreciate in the society and the financial market. The idea of  go to school, get good grades and get a good + stable job holds very true in this era. Experience in a job is very important. The longer one stays in a company (& accumulate job experiences), the more the company will value the employee.

4) Information Age — Information age begins with the introduction of internet. Information is passed round the world via the internet. This result in the replacement of  traditional business with the use of internet. Now, one doesn’t need to travel to a shop/agencies to get his purchasing or do his booking. All he has to do is to log in, get to the webpage and does his transaction. Web conferencing is becoming popular as one can connect to any part of the world, thus reducing time for traveling. One can get in the net @ the comfort of his own home to attend meetings, does transactions. These days, it doesn’t take experiences or paperwork to do business or to get a career. All one need are ideas, knowledge, constant education to get him in this fast pace society. In fact, a good idea is what one need to start a business. Saving for the future is no longer a very good idea as inflation kicks in, money loses its value (*see a separate paragraph on ‘currency’ (money) at the bottom) after some time in the financial market. Investing (to grow your money) holds an important role in this modern society. The world commands a fast pace and the latest information to date. Jobs are no longer stable. Age will catch up with man and without the latest information/education, the company may bid him farewell even though he has numerous years of experience.

*Currency – The word ‘money’ is in fact known as ‘currency’. Currency like the flow of the river (current), needs to flow from one place to another. This is why money tends to depreciate/appreciate most of the times due to economy, disasters, buying/selling power, etc.

— signed off                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ah Tseng