1 eye, 1 ear & 2 mouths

As strangely as the title implies, this post is not written to imply that living beings are born with 1 eye, 1 ear & 2 mouths. Rather, it is an article to explain the behaviour of most human beings, & what separate the rich from the poor. Let us go in depth of this.

God has given us 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth. This is a fact that all of us could not deny it. The implication of this is to tell us to see & observe more (in short term as well as long term); to hear more (good and sensible advices, & lectures of all sort); & to speak less (not to remain silent but rather to say sensible speeches, & not indulge in gossips, rumours, etc).

Saying this, most people I’ve communicated with does the opposite. They behave with 1 eye, 1 ear & 2 mouths. Take a look around you. Do u see a lot of poor (as in financially poor as well as educational poor) people around? Do you hear lotsa complaining, whining around? Do you hear lotsa gossiping, rumours spreading around? Do you see lotsa gamblers, people pinning on hope to strike the lottery around? Do you hear lotsa suicides, loanshark harassment, spending around? People look at thing only on one side of the coin, when a coin has 2 sides. They do not observe enough, & that makes them behave with 1 eye & 1 ear. They keep on complaining and gossiping all the unworthy, unnecessary which makes them behave with 2 mouths. How issit that we do not use our God’s gift wisely enough, but rather to use it in the opposite way? The way that people behave with 1 eye, 1 ear & 2 mouths will guarantee that they will fail in life. Successful & rich people behave the way God has created us. Do use your 2 eyes, 2 ears & 1 mouth wisely & change/improve for the better instead of behaving the opposite way. (“,)

signed off                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     – ah Tseng

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